$l['first_tab'] = "Active prefixes";
$l['first_tab_desc'] = "All active prefixes are listed below";
$l['sec_tab'] = "Add prefix";
$l['sec_tab_desc'] = "Adding a new prefix for a specified subforum";
$l['third_tab'] = "Edit prefix";
$l['third_tab_desc'] = "Editing/Deleting an existing prefix";
$l['prefix_title'] = "Prefix-Name";
$l['prefix_empty'] = "Currently there are no prefixes in the database.";
$l['all_subforums'] = "<i>All subforums</i>";
$l['show_prefix'] = "Show all active prefixes";
$l['prefix_fid'] = "Subforums allowed to use";
$l['prefix_gid'] = "Groups allowed to use";
$l['no_pid'] = "Please select an existing prefix to edit or delete.";
$l['no_prefix'] = "The Prefix-ID you specified doesn't exists.";
$l['edit_prefix'] = "Editing prefix: ";
$l['add_prefix'] = "Adding a new prefix";
$l['add_button'] = "Add prefix";
$l['title_in'] = "<font size=\"1\">Please type in the prefix name without '[' and ']'</font>";
$l['multiple_choice'] = "<font size=\"1\">CTRL + click for multiple choice</font>";
$l['multiple_add'] = " <font size=\"1\">(leave the select-boxes blank to select all options)</font>";
$l['prefix_deleted'] = "Prefix successfuly deleted";
$l['prefix_edited'] = "Prefix successfully edited";
$l['prefix_added'] = "Prefix successfully added";
$l['no_title'] = "Please specify the prefix name in order to proceed";
(4 Feb, 2010, 1:01 pm)Chava escribió: y cual es tu problema, no lo explicas