(5 Apr, 2011, 9:28 am)abdonroda escribió: [quote='Jesam' pid='10808' dateline='1302015704']
Hize Todo de nuevo ... y pues no veo los cambios :S :/ Y_Y ayuda por favor ...

No es por no querer ayudarte Jesam, pero... Es que hay algo que debes de estar haciendo mal. Porque no tiene más explicación que hacer los sencillos pasos del tutorial. :S Solo puedo decirte que lo revises bien.

Lo hago todo como lo hice antes ... ya lo habia hecho, cuando actualize desde hay no me va el tutorial Sad gracias.
(7 Apr, 2011, 7:45 am)Jesam escribió:
(5 Apr, 2011, 9:28 am)abdonroda escribió: [quote='Jesam' pid='10808' dateline='1302015704']
Hize Todo de nuevo ... y pues no veo los cambios :S :/ Y_Y ayuda por favor ...

No es por no querer ayudarte Jesam, pero... Es que hay algo que debes de estar haciendo mal. Porque no tiene más explicación que hacer los sencillos pasos del tutorial. :S Solo puedo decirte que lo revises bien.

Lo hago todo como lo hice antes ... ya lo habia hecho, cuando actualize desde hay no me va el tutorial Sad gracias.

Pues trata de usar el plugin que hace esto, a ver si con eso sí te va bien...
he utilizado el plugin "Advanced Quick Reply Form" y no me funciona :/

Edito: te dejo mi archivo "showthread.php"

* MyBB 1.6
* Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
* Website: http://mybb.com
* License: http://mybb.com/about/license
* $Id: showthread.php 5125 2010-07-27 07:28:03Z RyanGordon $

define("IN_MYBB", 1);
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'showthread.php');

$templatelist = "showthread,postbit,postbit_author_user,postbit_author_guest,showthread_newthread,showthread_newreply,showthread_newreply_closed,postbit_sig,showthread_newpoll,postbit_avatar,postbit_profile,postbit_find,postbit_pm,postbit_www,postbit_email,postbit_edit,postbit_quote,postbit_report,postbit_signature, postbit_online,postbit_offline,postbit_away,postbit_gotopost,showthread_ratethread,showthread_inline_ratethread,showthread_moderationoptions";
$templatelist .= ",multipage_prevpage,multipage_nextpage,multipage_page_current,multipage_page,multipage_start,multipage_end,multipage";
$templatelist .= ",postbit_editedby,showthread_similarthreads,showthread_similarthreads_bit,postbit_iplogged_show,postbit_iplogged_hiden,showthread_quickreply";
$templatelist .= ",forumjump_advanced,forumjump_special,forumjump_bit,showthread_multipage,postbit_reputation,postbit_quickdelete,postbit_attachments,thumbnails_thumbnail,postbit_attachments_attachment,postbit_attachments_thumbnails,postbit_attachments_images_image,postbit_attachments_images,postbit_posturl,postbit_rep_button";
$templatelist .= ",postbit_inlinecheck,showthread_inlinemoderation,postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail,postbit_quickquote,postbit_qqmessage,postbit_ignored,postbit_groupimage,postbit_multiquote,showthread_search,postbit_warn,postbit_warninglevel,showthread_moderationoptions_custom_tool,showthread_moderationoptions_custom,showthread_inlinemoderation_custom_tool,showthread_inlinemoderation_custom,postbit_classic,showthread_classic_header,showthread_poll_resultbit,showthread_poll_results";
$templatelist .= ",showthread_usersbrowsing,showthread_usersbrowsing_user";

require_once "./global.php";
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_post.php";
require_once MYBB_ROOT."/inc/functions_indicators.php";
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_parser.php";
$parser = new postParser;

// Load global language phrases

// If there is no tid but a pid, trick the system into thinking there was a tid anyway.
if($mybb->input['pid'] && !$mybb->input['tid'])
    // see if we already have the post information
    if(isset($style) && $style['pid'] == $mybb->input['pid'] && $style['tid'])
        $mybb->input['tid'] = $style['tid'];
        unset($style['tid']); // stop the thread caching code from being tricked
        $options = array(
            "limit" => 1
        $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "tid", "pid=".$mybb->input['pid'], $options);
        $post = $db->fetch_array($query);
        $mybb->input['tid'] = $post['tid'];

// Get the thread details from the database.
$thread = get_thread($mybb->input['tid']);

// Get thread prefix if there is one.
$thread['threadprefix'] = '';
$thread['displayprefix'] = '';
if($thread['prefix'] != 0)
    $query = $db->simple_select('threadprefixes', 'prefix, displaystyle', "pid='{$thread['prefix']}'");
    $threadprefix = $db->fetch_array($query);
    $thread['threadprefix'] = $threadprefix['prefix'].'&nbsp;';
    $thread['displayprefix'] = $threadprefix['displaystyle'].'&nbsp;';

if(substr($thread['closed'], 0, 6) == "moved|")
    $thread['tid'] = 0;

$thread['subject'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($parser->parse_badwords($thread['subject']));
$tid = $thread['tid'];
$fid = $thread['fid'];

    $thread['username'] = $lang->guest;

$visibleonly = "AND visible='1'";

// Is the currently logged in user a moderator of this forum?
    $visibleonly = " AND (visible='1' OR visible='0')";
    $ismod = true;
    $ismod = false;

$forumpermissions = forum_permissions($thread['fid']);

// Does the user have permission to view this thread?
if($forumpermissions['canview'] != 1 || $forumpermissions['canviewthreads'] != 1)

if($forumpermissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1 && $thread['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid'])

// Make sure we are looking at a real thread here.
if(!$thread['tid'] || ($thread['visible'] == 0 && $ismod == false) || ($thread['visible'] > 1 && $ismod == true))

$archive_url = build_archive_link("thread", $tid);

// Does the thread belong to a valid forum?
$forum = get_forum($fid);
if(!$forum || $forum['type'] != "f")

// How many pages are there?
    $mybb->settings['threadsperpage'] = 20;

$query = $db->simple_select("forums", "threads, unapprovedthreads", "fid = '{$fid}'", array('limit' => 1));
$forum_threads = $db->fetch_array($query);
$threadcount = $forum_threads['threads'];
if($ismod == true)
    $threadcount += $forum_threads['unapprovedthreads'];

// Limit to only our own threads
$uid_only = '';
if($forumpermissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1)
    $uid_only = " AND uid = '".$mybb->user['uid']."'";

    $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) AS threads", "fid = '$fid' $visibleonly $uid_only", array('limit' => 1));
    $threadcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "threads");

// If we have 0 threads double check there aren't any "moved" threads
if($threadcount == 0)
    $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) AS threads", "fid = '$fid' $visibleonly $uid_only", array('limit' => 1));
    $threadcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "threads");

$stickybit = " OR sticky=1";
if($thread['sticky'] == 1)
    $stickybit = " AND sticky=1";

// Figure out what page the thread is actually on
    case "pgsql":
        $query = $db->query("
            SELECT COUNT(tid) as threads
            FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads
            WHERE fid = '$fid' AND (lastpost >= '".intval($thread['lastpost'])."'{$stickybit}) {$visibleonly} {$uid_only}
            GROUP BY lastpost
            ORDER BY lastpost DESC
        $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) as threads", "fid = '$fid' AND (lastpost >= '".intval($thread['lastpost'])."'{$stickybit}) {$visibleonly} {$uid_only}", array('order_by' => 'lastpost', 'order_dir' => 'desc'));

$thread_position = $db->fetch_field($query, "threads");
$thread_page = ceil(($thread_position/$mybb->settings['threadsperpage']));

// Build the navigation.
build_forum_breadcrumb($fid, array('num_threads' => $threadcount, 'current_page' => $thread_page));
add_breadcrumb($thread['displayprefix'].$thread['subject'], get_thread_link($thread['tid']));

// Check if this forum is password protected and we have a valid password

// If there is no specific action, we must be looking at the thread.
    $mybb->input['action'] = "thread";

// Jump to the unread posts.
if($mybb->input['action'] == "newpost")
    // First, figure out what time the thread or forum were last read
    $query = $db->simple_select("threadsread", "dateline", "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND tid='{$thread['tid']}'");
    $thread_read = $db->fetch_field($query, "dateline");

    if($mybb->settings['threadreadcut'] > 0 && $mybb->user['uid'])
        $query = $db->simple_select("forumsread", "dateline", "fid='{$fid}' AND uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'");
        $forum_read = $db->fetch_field($query, "dateline");
        $read_cutoff = TIME_NOW-$mybb->settings['threadreadcut']*60*60*24;
        if($forum_read == 0 || $forum_read < $read_cutoff)
            $forum_read = $read_cutoff;
        $forum_read = my_get_array_cookie("forumread", $fid);
    if($mybb->settings['threadreadcut'] > 0 && $mybb->user['uid'] && $thread['lastpost'] > $forum_read)
        $cutoff = TIME_NOW-$mybb->settings['threadreadcut']*60*60*24;
        if($thread['lastpost'] > $cutoff)
                $lastread = $thread_read;
                // Set $lastread to zero to make sure 'lastpost' is invoked in the last IF
                $lastread = 0;
        $readcookie = $threadread = my_get_array_cookie("threadread", $thread['tid']);
        if($readcookie > $forum_read)
            $lastread = $readcookie;
            $lastread = $forum_read;
   if($cutoff && $lastread < $cutoff)
          $lastread = $cutoff;
    // Next, find the proper pid to link to.
    $options = array(
        "limit_start" => 0,
        "limit" => 1,
        "order_by" => "dateline",
        "order_dir" => "asc"
    $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "tid='{$tid}' AND dateline > '{$lastread}'", $options);
    $newpost = $db->fetch_array($query);
    if($newpost['pid'] && $lastread)
        $highlight = '';
            $string = "&";
            if($mybb->settings['seourls'] == "yes" || ($mybb->settings['seourls'] == "auto" && $_SERVER['SEO_SUPPORT'] == 1))
                $string = "?";

            $highlight = $string."highlight=".$mybb->input['highlight'];

        header("Location: ".htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($newpost['pid'], $tid)).$highlight."#pid{$newpost['pid']}");
        // show them to the last post
        $mybb->input['action'] = "lastpost";

// Jump to the last post.
if($mybb->input['action'] == "lastpost")
    if(my_strpos($thread['closed'], "moved|"))
        $query = $db->query("
            SELECT p.pid
            FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON(p.tid=t.tid)
            WHERE t.fid='".$thread['fid']."' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
            ORDER BY p.dateline DESC
            LIMIT 1
        $pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid");
        $options = array(
            'order_by' => 'dateline',
            'order_dir' => 'desc',
            'limit_start' => 0,
            'limit' => 1
        $query = $db->simple_select('posts', 'pid', "tid={$tid}", $options);
        $pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid");
    header("Location: ".htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($pid, $tid))."#pid{$pid}");

// Jump to the next newest posts.
if($mybb->input['action'] == "nextnewest")
    $options = array(
        "limit_start" => 0,
        "limit" => 1,
        "order_by" => "lastpost"
    $query = $db->simple_select('threads', '*', "fid={$thread['fid']} AND lastpost > {$thread['lastpost']} AND visible=1 AND closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'", $options);
    $nextthread = $db->fetch_array($query);

    // Are there actually next newest posts?
    $options = array(
        "limit_start" => 0,
        "limit" => 1,
        "order_by" => "dateline",
        "order_dir" => "desc"
    $query = $db->simple_select('posts', 'pid', "tid='{$nextthread['tid']}'", $options);

    // Redirect to the proper page.
    $pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid");
    header("Location: ".htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($pid, $nextthread['tid']))."#pid{$pid}");

// Jump to the next oldest posts.
if($mybb->input['action'] == "nextoldest")
    $options = array(
        "limit" => 1,
        "limit_start" => 0,
        "order_by" => "lastpost",
        "order_dir" => "desc"
    $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "*", "fid=".$thread['fid']." AND lastpost < ".$thread['lastpost']." AND visible=1 AND closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'", $options);
    $nextthread = $db->fetch_array($query);

    // Are there actually next oldest posts?
    $options = array(
        "limit_start" => 0,
        "limit" => 1,
        "order_by" => "dateline",
        "order_dir" => "desc"
    $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "tid='".$nextthread['tid']."'", $options);

    // Redirect to the proper page.
    $pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid");
    header("Location: ".htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($pid, $nextthread['tid']))."#pid{$pid}");

    $pid = $mybb->input['pid'];


// Show the entire thread (taking into account pagination).
if($mybb->input['action'] == "thread")
    if($thread['firstpost'] == 0)
    // Does this thread have a poll?
        $options = array(
            "limit" => 1
        $query = $db->simple_select("polls", "*", "pid='".$thread['poll']."'", $options);
        $poll = $db->fetch_array($query);
        $poll['timeout'] = $poll['timeout']*60*60*24;
        $expiretime = $poll['dateline'] + $poll['timeout'];
        $now = TIME_NOW;

        // If the poll or the thread is closed or if the poll is expired, show the results.
        if($poll['closed'] == 1 || $thread['closed'] == 1 || ($expiretime < $now && $poll['timeout'] > 0))
            $showresults = 1;

        // If the user is not a guest, check if he already voted.
        if($mybb->user['uid'] != 0)
            $query = $db->simple_select("pollvotes", "*", "uid='".$mybb->user['uid']."' AND pid='".$poll['pid']."'");
            while($votecheck = $db->fetch_array($query))
                $alreadyvoted = 1;
                $votedfor[$votecheck['voteoption']] = 1;
            if(isset($mybb->cookies['pollvotes'][$poll['pid']]) && $mybb->cookies['pollvotes'][$poll['pid']] !== "")
                $alreadyvoted = 1;
        $optionsarray = explode("||~|~||", $poll['options']);
        $votesarray = explode("||~|~||", $poll['votes']);
        $poll['question'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($poll['question']);
        $polloptions = '';
        $totalvotes = 0;

        for($i = 1; $i <= $poll['numoptions']; ++$i)
            $poll['totvotes'] = $poll['totvotes'] + $votesarray[$i-1];

        // Loop through the poll options.
        for($i = 1; $i <= $poll['numoptions']; ++$i)
            // Set up the parser options.
            $parser_options = array(
                "allow_html" => $forum['allowhtml'],
                "allow_mycode" => $forum['allowmycode'],
                "allow_smilies" => $forum['allowsmilies'],
                "allow_imgcode" => $forum['allowimgcode'],
                "allow_videocode" => $forum['allowvideocode'],
                "filter_badwords" => 1

            $option = $parser->parse_message($optionsarray[$i-1], $parser_options);
            $votes = $votesarray[$i-1];
            $totalvotes += $votes;
            $number = $i;

            // Mark the option the user voted for.
                $optionbg = "trow2";
                $votestar = "*";
                $optionbg = "trow1";
                $votestar = "";

            // If the user already voted or if the results need to be shown, do so; else show voting screen.
            if($alreadyvoted || $showresults)
                if(intval($votes) == "0")
                    $percent = "0";
                    $percent = number_format($votes / $poll['totvotes'] * 100, 2);
                $imagewidth = round(($percent/3) * 5);
                $imagerowwidth = $imagewidth + 10;
                eval("\$polloptions .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_poll_resultbit")."\";");
                if($poll['multiple'] == 1)
                    eval("\$polloptions .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_poll_option_multiple")."\";");
                    eval("\$polloptions .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_poll_option")."\";");

        // If there are any votes at all, all votes together will be 100%; if there are no votes, all votes together will be 0%.
            $totpercent = "100%";
            $totpercent = "0%";

        // Check if user is allowed to edit posts; if so, show "edit poll" link.
        if(!is_moderator($fid, 'caneditposts'))
            $edit_poll = '';
            $edit_poll = " | <a href=\"polls.php?action=editpoll&amp;pid={$poll['pid']}\">{$lang->edit_poll}</a>";

        // Decide what poll status to show depending on the status of the poll and whether or not the user voted already.
        if($alreadyvoted || $showresults)
                $pollstatus = $lang->already_voted;
                if($mybb->usergroup['canundovotes'] == 1)
                    $pollstatus .= " [<a href=\"polls.php?action=do_undovote&amp;pid={$poll['pid']}&amp;my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}\">{$lang->undo_vote}</a>]";
                $pollstatus = $lang->poll_closed;
            $lang->total_votes = $lang->sprintf($lang->total_votes, $totalvotes);
            eval("\$pollbox = \"".$templates->get("showthread_poll_results")."\";");
            $publicnote = '&nbsp;';
            if($poll['public'] == 1)
                $publicnote = $lang->public_note;
            eval("\$pollbox = \"".$templates->get("showthread_poll")."\";");

        $pollbox = "";

    // Create the forum jump dropdown box.
    if($mybb->settings['enableforumjump'] != 0)
        $forumjump = build_forum_jump("", $fid, 1);
    // Fetch some links
    $next_oldest_link = get_thread_link($tid, 0, "nextoldest");
    $next_newest_link = get_thread_link($tid, 0, "nextnewest");

    // Mark this thread as read
    mark_thread_read($tid, $fid);

    // If the forum is not open, show closed newreply button unless the user is a moderator of this forum.
    if($forum['open'] != 0)
        eval("\$newthread = \"".$templates->get("showthread_newthread")."\";");

        // Show the appropriate reply button if this thread is open or closed
        if($thread['closed'] == 1)
            eval("\$newreply = \"".$templates->get("showthread_newreply_closed")."\";");
            eval("\$newreply = \"".$templates->get("showthread_newreply")."\";");

    // Create the admin tools dropdown box.
    if($ismod == true)
            $adminpolloptions = "<option value=\"deletepoll\">".$lang->delete_poll."</option>";
        if($thread['visible'] != 1)
            $approveunapprovethread = "<option value=\"approvethread\">".$lang->approve_thread."</option>";
            $approveunapprovethread = "<option value=\"unapprovethread\">".$lang->unapprove_thread."</option>";
        if($thread['closed'] == 1)
            $closelinkch = ' checked="checked"';
            $stickch = ' checked="checked"';
        $closeoption = "<br /><label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"modoptions[closethread]\" value=\"1\"{$closelinkch} />&nbsp;<strong>".$lang->close_thread."</strong></label>";
        $closeoption .= "<br /><label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"modoptions[stickthread]\" value=\"1\"{$stickch} />&nbsp;<strong>".$lang->stick_thread."</strong></label>";
        $inlinecount = "0";
        $inlinecookie = "inlinemod_thread".$tid;
        $modoptions = "&nbsp;";
        $inlinemod = "";

    // Increment the thread view.
    if($mybb->settings['delayedthreadviews'] == 1)
        $db->shutdown_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadviews (tid) VALUES('{$tid}')");
        $db->shutdown_query("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads SET views=views+1 WHERE tid='{$tid}'");

    // Work out the thread rating for this thread.
    $rating = '';
    if($forum['allowtratings'] != 0)
        if($thread['numratings'] <= 0)
            $thread['width'] = 0;
            $thread['averagerating'] = 0;
            $thread['numratings'] = 0;
            $thread['averagerating'] = floatval(round($thread['totalratings']/$thread['numratings'], 2));
            $thread['width'] = intval(round($thread['averagerating']))*20;
            $thread['numratings'] = intval($thread['numratings']);

        // Check if we have already voted on this thread - it won't show hover effect then.
        $query = $db->simple_select("threadratings", "uid", "tid='{$tid}' AND uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'");
        $rated = $db->fetch_field($query, 'uid');

        $not_rated = '';
            $not_rated = ' star_rating_notrated';

        $ratingvotesav = $lang->sprintf($lang->rating_average, $thread['numratings'], $thread['averagerating']);
        eval("\$ratethread = \"".$templates->get("showthread_ratethread")."\";");
    // Work out if we are showing unapproved posts as well (if the user is a moderator etc.)
        $visible = "AND (p.visible='0' OR p.visible='1')";
        $visible = "AND p.visible='1'";
    // Can this user perform searches? If so, we can show them the "Search thread" form
    if($forumpermissions['cansearch'] != 0)
        eval("\$search_thread = \"".$templates->get("showthread_search")."\";");

    // Fetch the ignore list for the current user if they have one
    $ignored_users = array();
    if($mybb->user['uid'] > 0 && $mybb->user['ignorelist'] != "")
        $ignore_list = explode(',', $mybb->user['ignorelist']);
        foreach($ignore_list as $uid)
            $ignored_users[$uid] = 1;
    }// Which thread mode is our user using by default?
        $defaultmode = $mybb->user['threadmode'];
    else if($mybb->settings['threadusenetstyle'] == 1)
        $defaultmode = 'threaded';
        $defaultmode = 'linear';
    // If mode is unset, set the default mode
        $mybb->input['mode'] = $defaultmode;
    // Which thread mode is our user using by default?
        $defaultmode = $mybb->user['threadmode'];
    else if($mybb->settings['threadusenetstyle'] == 1)
        $defaultmode = 'threaded';
        $defaultmode = 'linear';
    // If mode is unset, set the default mode
        $mybb->input['mode'] = $defaultmode;

    // Threaded or linear display?
    if($mybb->input['mode'] == 'threaded')
        $isfirst = 1;

        // Are we linked to a specific pid?
            $where = "AND p.pid='".$mybb->input['pid']."'";
            $where = " ORDER BY dateline LIMIT 0, 1";
        $query = $db->query("
            SELECT u.*, u.username AS userusername, p.*, f.*, eu.username AS editusername
            FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid=p.uid)
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."userfields f ON (f.ufid=u.uid)
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users eu ON (eu.uid=p.edituid)
            WHERE p.tid='$tid' $visible $where
        $showpost = $db->fetch_array($query);

        // Choose what pid to display.
            $mybb->input['pid'] = $showpost['pid'];

        // Is there actually a pid to display?
        $attachcache = array();
        if($thread['attachmentcount'] > 0)
            // Get the attachments for this post.
            $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "*", "pid=".$mybb->input['pid']);
            while($attachment = $db->fetch_array($query))
                $attachcache[$attachment['pid']][$attachment['aid']] = $attachment;

        // Build the threaded post display tree.
        $query = $db->query("
            SELECT p.username, p.uid, p.pid, p.replyto, p.subject, p.dateline
            FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
            WHERE p.tid='$tid'
            ORDER BY p.dateline
        while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))
                if($post['pid'] == $mybb->input['pid'] || ($isfirst && !$mybb->input['pid']))
                    $postcounter = count($postsdone);
                    $isfirst = 0;
                $tree[$post['replyto']][$post['pid']] = $post;
                $postsdone[$post['pid']] = 1;
        $threadedbits = buildtree();
        $posts = build_postbit($showpost);
        eval("\$threadexbox = \"".$templates->get("showthread_threadedbox")."\";");
    else // Linear display
            $mybb->settings['postperpage'] = 20;
        // Figure out if we need to display multiple pages.
        $perpage = $mybb->settings['postsperpage'];
        if($mybb->input['page'] != "last")
            $page = intval($mybb->input['page']);
            $query = $db->query("
                SELECT COUNT(p.pid) AS count FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
                WHERE p.tid='$tid'
                AND p.pid <= '".$mybb->input['pid']."'
            $result = $db->fetch_field($query, "count");
            if(($result % $perpage) == 0)
                $page = $result / $perpage;
                $page = intval($result / $perpage) + 1;
        // Recount replies if user is a moderator to take into account unapproved posts.
            $query = $db->simple_select("posts p", "COUNT(*) AS replies", "p.tid='$tid' $visible");
            $thread['replies'] = $db->fetch_field($query, 'replies')-1;
        $postcount = intval($thread['replies'])+1;
        $pages = $postcount / $perpage;
        $pages = ceil($pages);

        if($mybb->input['page'] == "last")
            $page = $pages;

        if($page > $pages || $page <= 0)
            $page = 1;

            $start = ($page-1) * $perpage;
            $start = 0;
            $page = 1;
        $upper = $start+$perpage;
        // Work out if we have terms to highlight
        $highlight = "";
        $threadmode = "";
        if($mybb->settings['seourls'] == "yes" || ($mybb->settings['seourls'] == "auto" && $_SERVER['SEO_SUPPORT'] == 1))
                $highlight = "?highlight=".urlencode($mybb->input['highlight']);
            if($defaultmode != "linear")
                    $threadmode = "&amp;mode=linear";
                    $threadmode = "?mode=linear";
                $highlight = "&amp;highlight=".urlencode($mybb->input['highlight']);
            if($defaultmode != "linear")
                $threadmode = "&amp;mode=linear";

        $multipage = multipage($postcount, $perpage, $page, str_replace("{tid}", $tid, THREAD_URL_PAGED.$highlight.$threadmode));
        if($postcount > $perpage)
            eval("\$threadpages = \"".$templates->get("showthread_multipage")."\";");

        // Lets get the pids of the posts on this page.
        $pids = "";
        $comma = '';
        $query = $db->simple_select("posts p", "p.pid", "p.tid='$tid' $visible", array('order_by' => 'p.dateline', 'limit_start' => $start, 'limit' => $perpage));
        while($getid = $db->fetch_array($query))
            // Set the ID of the first post on page to $pid if it doesn't hold any value
            // to allow this value to be used for Thread Mode/Linear Mode links
            // and ensure the user lands on the correct page after changing view mode
                $pid = $getid['pid'];
            // Gather a comma separated list of post IDs
            $pids .= "$comma'{$getid['pid']}'";
            $comma = ",";
            $pids = "pid IN($pids)";
            $attachcache = array();
            if($thread['attachmentcount'] > 0)
                // Now lets fetch all of the attachments for these posts.
                $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "*", $pids);
                while($attachment = $db->fetch_array($query))
                    $attachcache[$attachment['pid']][$attachment['aid']] = $attachment;
            // If there are no pid's the thread is probably awaiting approval.

        // Get the actual posts from the database here.
        $posts = '';
        $query = $db->query("
            SELECT u.*, u.username AS userusername, p.*, f.*, eu.username AS editusername
            FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid=p.uid)
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."userfields f ON (f.ufid=u.uid)
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users eu ON (eu.uid=p.edituid)
            WHERE $pids
            ORDER BY p.dateline
        while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))
            if($thread['firstpost'] == $post['pid'] && $thread['visible'] == 0)
                $post['visible'] = 0;
            $posts .= build_postbit($post);
            $post = '';

    // Show the similar threads table if wanted.
    if($mybb->settings['showsimilarthreads'] != 0)
            case "sqlite":
            case "pgsql":
            $query = $db->query("
                SELECT t.*, t.username AS threadusername, p.displaystyle AS threadprefix, u.username, MATCH (t.subject) AGAINST ('".$db->escape_string($thread['subject'])."') AS relevance
                FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t
                LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadprefixes p ON (p.pid = t.prefix)
                LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid = t.uid)
                WHERE t.fid='{$thread['fid']}' AND t.tid!='{$thread['tid']}' AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND MATCH (t.subject) AGAINST ('".$db->escape_string($thread['subject'])."') >= '{$mybb->settings['similarityrating']}'
                ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC
                LIMIT 0, {$mybb->settings['similarlimit']}
            $query = $db->query("
                SELECT t.*, t.username AS threadusername, p.displaystyle AS threadprefix, u.username, MATCH (t.subject) AGAINST ('".$db->escape_string($thread['subject'])."') AS relevance
                FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t
                LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadprefixes p ON (p.pid = t.prefix)
                LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid = t.uid)
                WHERE t.fid='{$thread['fid']}' AND t.tid!='{$thread['tid']}' AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND MATCH (t.subject) AGAINST ('".$db->escape_string($thread['subject'])."') >= '{$mybb->settings['similarityrating']}'
                ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC
                LIMIT 0, {$mybb->settings['similarlimit']}
        $count = 0;
        $similarthreadbits = '';
        $icon_cache = $cache->read("posticons");
        while($similar_thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
            $trow = alt_trow();
            if($similar_thread['icon'] > 0 && $icon_cache[$similar_thread['icon']])
                $icon = $icon_cache[$similar_thread['icon']];
                $icon = "<img src=\"{$icon['path']}\" alt=\"{$icon['name']}\" />";
                $icon = "&nbsp;";
                $similar_thread['username'] = $similar_thread['threadusername'];
                $similar_thread['profilelink'] = $similar_thread['threadusername'];
                $similar_thread['profilelink'] = build_profile_link($similar_thread['username'], $similar_thread['uid']);
            // If this thread has a prefix, insert a space between prefix and subject
            if($similar_thread['prefix'] != 0)
                $similar_thread['threadprefix'] .= '&nbsp;';
            $similar_thread['subject'] = $parser->parse_badwords($similar_thread['subject']);
            $similar_thread['subject'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($similar_thread['subject']);
            $similar_thread['threadlink'] = get_thread_link($similar_thread['tid']);
            $similar_thread['lastpostlink'] = get_thread_link($similar_thread['tid'], 0, "lastpost");

            $lastpostdate = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $similar_thread['lastpost']);
            $lastposttime = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $similar_thread['lastpost']);
            $lastposter = $similar_thread['lastposter'];
            $lastposteruid = $similar_thread['lastposteruid'];

            // Don't link to guest's profiles (they have no profile).
            if($lastposteruid == 0)
                $lastposterlink = $lastposter;
                $lastposterlink = build_profile_link($lastposter, $lastposteruid);
            $similar_thread['replies'] = my_number_format($similar_thread['replies']);
            $similar_thread['views'] = my_number_format($similar_thread['views']);
            eval("\$similarthreadbits .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_similarthreads_bit")."\";");
            eval("\$similarthreads = \"".$templates->get("showthread_similarthreads")."\";");

    // Decide whether or not to show quick reply.
    if($forumpermissions['canpostreplys'] != 0 && $mybb->user['suspendposting'] != 1 && ($thread['closed'] != 1 || is_moderator($fid)) && $mybb->settings['quickreply'] != 0 && $mybb->user['showquickreply'] != '0' && $forum['open'] != 0)
        $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "tid='{$tid}'", array("order_by" => "pid", "order_dir" => "desc", "limit" => 1));
        $last_pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid");
        // Show captcha image for guests if enabled
        if($mybb->settings['captchaimage'] == 1 && function_exists("imagepng") && !$mybb->user['uid'])
            $randomstr = random_str(5);
            $imagehash = md5(random_str(12));
            $imagearray = array(
                "imagehash" => $imagehash,
                "imagestring" => $randomstr,
                "dateline" => TIME_NOW
            $db->insert_query("captcha", $imagearray);
            eval("\$captcha = \"".$templates->get("post_captcha")."\";");
            $postoptionschecked['signature'] = 'checked="checked"';
        if($mybb->user['emailnotify'] == 1)
            $postoptionschecked['emailnotify'] = 'checked="checked"';
        $posthash = md5($mybb->user['uid'].random_str());

        $codebuttons = build_mycode_inserter();
        eval("\$quickreply = \"".$templates->get("showthread_quickreply")."\";");
        $quickreply = "";
    // If the user is a moderator, show the moderation tools.
        $customthreadtools = $customposttools = '';
            case "pgsql":
            case "sqlite":
                $query = $db->simple_select("modtools", "tid, name, type", "','||forums||',' LIKE '%,$fid,%' OR ','||forums||',' LIKE '%,-1,%' OR forums=''");
                $query = $db->simple_select("modtools", "tid, name, type", "CONCAT(',',forums,',') LIKE '%,$fid,%' OR CONCAT(',',forums,',') LIKE '%,-1,%' OR forums=''");
        while($tool = $db->fetch_array($query))
            if($tool['type'] == 'p')
                eval("\$customposttools .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_inlinemoderation_custom_tool")."\";");
                eval("\$customthreadtools .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_moderationoptions_custom_tool")."\";");
        // Build inline moderation dropdown
            eval("\$customposttools = \"".$templates->get("showthread_inlinemoderation_custom")."\";");
        eval("\$inlinemod = \"".$templates->get("showthread_inlinemoderation")."\";");

        // Build thread moderation dropdown
            eval("\$customthreadtools = \"".$templates->get("showthread_moderationoptions_custom")."\";");
        eval("\$moderationoptions = \"".$templates->get("showthread_moderationoptions")."\";");
    $lang->newthread_in = $lang->sprintf($lang->newthread_in, $forum['name']);
    // Subscription status
    $query = $db->simple_select("threadsubscriptions", "tid", "tid='".intval($tid)."' AND uid='".intval($mybb->user['uid'])."'", array('limit' => 1));
    if($db->fetch_field($query, 'tid'))
        $add_remove_subscription = 'remove';
        $add_remove_subscription_text = $lang->unsubscribe_thread;
        $add_remove_subscription = 'add';
        $add_remove_subscription_text = $lang->subscribe_thread;
    if($mybb->settings['postlayout'] == "classic")
        eval("\$classic_header = \"".$templates->get("showthread_classic_header")."\";");        
    // Get users viewing this thread
    if($mybb->settings['browsingthisthread'] != 0)
        $timecut = TIME_NOW - $mybb->settings['wolcutoff'];

        $comma = '';
        $onlinemembers = '';
        $guestcount = 0;
        $membercount = 0;
        $inviscount = 0;
        $query = $db->query("
            SELECT s.ip, s.uid, s.time, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup
            FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sessions s
            LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (s.uid=u.uid)
            WHERE s.time > '$timecut' AND location2='$tid' AND nopermission != 1
            ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.time DESC
        while($user = $db->fetch_array($query))
            if($user['uid'] == 0)
                if($doneusers[$user['uid']] < $user['time'] || !$doneusers[$user['uid']])
                    $doneusers[$user['uid']] = $user['time'];
                    if($user['invisible'] == 1)
                        $invisiblemark = "*";

                        if($user['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid'])
                        $invisiblemark = '';
                    if($user['invisible'] != 1 || $mybb->usergroup['canviewwolinvis'] == 1 || $user['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid'])
                        $user['profilelink'] = get_profile_link($user['uid']);
                        $user['username'] = format_name($user['username'], $user['usergroup'], $user['displaygroup']);
                        $user['reading'] = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $user['time']);
                        eval("\$onlinemembers .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_usersbrowsing_user", 1, 0)."\";");
                        $comma = $lang->comma;
        $invisonline = '';
        $onlinesep2 = $onlinesep = '';
        if($inviscount && $mybb->usergroup['canviewwolinvis'] != 1)
                $onlinesep = $lang->comma;

            $invisonline = $lang->sprintf($lang->users_browsing_thread_invis, $inviscount);

                $onlinesep2 = $lang->comma;

            $guestsonline = $lang->sprintf($lang->users_browsing_thread_guests, $guestcount);

        eval("\$usersbrowsing = \"".$templates->get("showthread_usersbrowsing")."\";");
    eval("\$showthread = \"".$templates->get("showthread")."\";");

* Build a navigation tree for threaded display.
* @param unknown_type $replyto
* @param unknown_type $indent
* @return unknown
function buildtree($replyto="0", $indent="0")
    global $tree, $mybb, $theme, $mybb, $pid, $tid, $templates, $parser;
        $indentsize = 13 * $indent;
        $indentsize = 0;
        foreach($tree[$replyto] as $key => $post)
            $postdate = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $post['dateline']);
            $posttime = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $post['dateline']);
            $post['subject'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($parser->parse_badwords($post['subject']));
                $post['subject'] = "[".$lang->no_subject."]";
            $post['profilelink'] = build_profile_link($post['username'], $post['uid']);
            if($mybb->input['pid'] == $post['pid'])
                eval("\$posts .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_threaded_bitactive")."\";");
                eval("\$posts .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_threaded_bit")."\";");
                $posts .= buildtree($post['pid'], $indent);
    return $posts;

Aqui va el "showthread_quickreply"

<br />
<form method="post" action="newreply.php?tid={$tid}&amp;processed=1" name="quick_reply_form" id="quick_reply_form">
    <input type="hidden" name="my_post_key" value="{$mybb->post_code}" />
    <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="RE: {$thread['subject']}" />
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="do_newreply" />
    <input type="hidden" name="posthash" value="{$posthash}" id="posthash" />
    <input type="hidden" name="quoted_ids" value="" id="quoted_ids" />
    <input type="hidden" name="lastpid" id="lastpid" value="{$last_pid}" />
    <input type="hidden" name="from_page" value="{$page}" />
    <input type="hidden" name="tid" value="{$tid}" />
    <input type="hidden" name="method" value="quickreply" />

    <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" class="tborder">
                <td class="thead" colspan="2">
                    <div class="expcolimage"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/collapse{$collapsedimg['quickreply']}.gif" id="quickreply_img" class="expander" alt="[-]" title="[-]" /></div>
        <tbody style="{$collapsed['quickreply_e']}" id="quickreply_e">
                <td class="trow1" valign="top" width="22%">
                    <strong>{$lang->message}</strong><br />
                    <span class="smalltext">{$lang->message_note}<br /><br />
                    <label><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="postoptions[signature]" value="1" {$postoptionschecked['signature']} />&nbsp;<strong>{$lang->signature}</strong></label><br />
                    <label><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="postoptions[disablesmilies]" value="1" />&nbsp;<strong>{$lang->disable_smilies}</strong></label>{$closeoption}</span><br />{$clickablesmilies}
                <td class="trow1">
                    <div style="width: 95%">
                        <textarea style="width: 100%; padding: 4px; margin: 0;" rows="18" cols="80" name="message" id="message" tabindex="1"></textarea>

                    <div class="editor_control_bar" style="width: 95%; padding: 4px; margin-top: 3px; display: none;" id="quickreply_multiquote">
                        <span class="smalltext">
                            {$lang->quickreply_multiquote_selected} <a href="./newreply.php?tid={$tid}&amp;load_all_quotes=1" onclick="return Thread.loadMultiQuoted();">{$lang->quickreply_multiquote_now}</a> {$lang->or} <a href="javascript:Thread.clearMultiQuoted();">{$lang->quickreply_multiquote_deselect}</a>.
                <td colspan="2" align="center" class="tfoot"><input type="submit" class="button" value="{$lang->post_reply}" tabindex="2" accesskey="s" id="quick_reply_submit" /> <input type="submit" class="button" name="previewpost" value="{$lang->preview_post}" tabindex="3" /></td>

Última modificación: 9 Apr, 2011, 2:51 pm por theshadow.
En la plantilla tienes dos veces agregado {$codebuttons}...
(9 Apr, 2011, 3:43 pm)abdonroda escribió: En la plantilla tienes dos veces agregado {$codebuttons}...

lo quite igual nada :S :/
Prueba a utilizar este showthread:

(10 Apr, 2011, 2:57 am)abdonroda escribió: Prueba a utilizar este showthread:

Sad igual, no surgieron cambios :/
(10 Apr, 2011, 1:02 pm)Jesam escribió:
(10 Apr, 2011, 2:57 am)abdonroda escribió: Prueba a utilizar este showthread:

Sad igual, no surgieron cambios :/

:S! Ya no sé mucho más qué decirte... Prueba a resubir todos los archivos de MyBB. Y cuando termine subes el archivo que te acabo de pasar.
Pues gracias no puede solucionarlo pero mira puse un plugin "richedit"

[Imagen: 5l2lfl.jpg]
Gracias si que son buenos tus tutoriales Big Grin