** HP / MP / EXP Mod
// Add The Hooks For the functions
$plugins->add_hook("postbit", "hpmpexp_postbit");
// Plugin Info
function hpmpexp_info()
return array(
"name" => "HP / MP / EXP Statistics",
"description" => "Adds a RPG Stats Counter to the postbit.",
"website" => "http://ryan.mybb-templates.com/",
"author" => "Ryan Ashbrook",
"authorsite" => "http://ryan.mybb-templates.com/",
"version" => "1.0.0",
// Activate The Plugin
function hpmpexp_activate()
// Deactivate The Plugin
function hpmpexp_deactivate()
function hpmpexp_postbit($post)
global $mybb, $db;
$post['postnum'] = str_replace($mybb->settings['thousandssep'], '', $post['postnum']);
$daysreg = (time() - $post['regdate']) / (24*3600);
$postsperday = $post['postnum'] / $daysreg;
$postsperday = round($postsperday, 2);
if($postsperday > $post['postnum'])
$postsperday = $post['postnum'];
$rpglvl = $post['postnum'];
$level = pow (log10 ($rpglvl), 3);
$ep = floor (100 * ($level - floor ($level)));
$showlevel = floor ($level + 1);
$hpmulti = round ($postsperday / 6, 1);
if ($hpmulti > 1.5)
$hpmulti = 1.5;
if ($hpmulti < 1)
$hpmulti = 1;
$maxhp = $level * 25 * $hpmulti;
$hp = $postsperday / 1;
if ($hp >= 1)
$hp = $maxhp;
$hp = floor ($hp * $maxhp);
$hp = floor ($hp);
$maxhp = floor ($maxhp);
if ($maxhp <= 0)
$zhp = 1;
$zhp = $maxhp;
$hpf = floor (100 * ($hp / $zhp)) - 1;
$maxmp = ($daysreg * $level) / 5;
$mp = $rpglvl / 3;
if ($mp >= $maxmp)
$mp = $maxmp;
$maxmp = floor ($maxmp);
$mp = floor ($mp);
if ($maxmp <= 0)
$zmp = 1;
$zmp = $maxmp;
$mpf = floor (100 * ($mp / $zmp)) - 1;
$showlevel = my_number_format($showlevel);
$maxhp = my_number_format($maxhp);
$hp = my_number_format($hp);
$maxmp = my_number_format($maxmp);
$mp = my_number_format($mp);
$post['user_details'] = "{$post['user_details']}<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"1\" style=\"font-size:12px\">
<td class=\"trow8\"><span class=\"smalltext\">Nivel: {$showlevel}</span><br />
<span class=\"smalltext\"><b>Puntos:</b> {$hp} / {$maxhp}</span>
<table width=\"60\" class=\"rpg1\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<td class=\"rpg2\" nowrap=\"nowrap\ align=\"center\"><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s HP\" src=\"images/rpg/bhg.gif\" width=\"{$hpf}%\" height=\"8\" /><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s HP\" src=\"images/rpg/bhb.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"8\" /></td>
<span class=\"smalltext\"><b>Siguiente Nivel:</b> {$mp} / {$maxmp}</span>
<table width=\"60\" class=\"rpg1\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<td class=\"smalltext\" nowrap=\"nowrap\ align=\"center\"><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s MP\" src=\"images/rpg/bmg.gif\" width=\"{$mpf}%\" height=\"8\" /><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s MP\" src=\"images/rpg/bmb.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"8\" /></td>
<span class=\"smalltext\"><b>Actividad:</b> {$ep}% </span>
<table width=\"60\" class=\"rpg1\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<td class=\"rpg2\" nowrap=\"nowrap\ align=\"center\"><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s EXP\" src=\"images/rpg/bxg.gif\" width=\"{$ep}%\" height=\"8\" /><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s EXP\" src=\"images/rpg/bxb.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"8\" /></td>
</table> </td>
.rpg1 {
border: 1px solid #FF7F00;
text-align: left;
.rpg2 {
background: url(images/rpg/bhb.gif) 0px 0px;
.rpg3 {
border: 1px solid #0000FF;
text-align: left;
.rpg4 {
background: url(images/rpg/bxb.gif) 0px 0px;
.rpg5 {
border: 1px solid #238E23;
text-align: left;
.rpg6 {
background: url(images/rpg/bmb.gif) 0px 0px;
** HP / MP / EXP Mod
// Add The Hooks For the functions
$plugins->add_hook("postbit", "hpmpexp_postbit");
// Plugin Info
function hpmpexp_info()
return array(
"name" => "HP / MP / EXP Statistics",
"description" => "Adds a RPG Stats Counter to the postbit.",
"website" => "http://ryan.mybb-templates.com/",
"author" => "Ryan Ashbrook",
"authorsite" => "http://ryan.mybb-templates.com/",
"version" => "1.0.0",
// Activate The Plugin
function hpmpexp_activate()
// Deactivate The Plugin
function hpmpexp_deactivate()
function hpmpexp_postbit($post)
global $mybb, $db;
$daysreg = (time() - $post['regdate']) / (24*3600);
$postsperday = $post['postnum'] / $daysreg;
$postsperday = round($postsperday, 2);
if($postsperday > $post['postnum'])
$postsperday = $post['postnum'];
$rpglvl = str_replace(array(' ', ',', '.'), '', $post['postnum']);
$level = pow (log10 ($rpglvl), 3);
$ep = floor (100 * ($level - floor ($level)));
$showlevel = floor ($level + 1);
$hpmulti = round ($postsperday / 6, 1);
if ($hpmulti > 1.5)
$hpmulti = 1.5;
if ($hpmulti < 1)
$hpmulti = 1;
$maxhp = $level * 25 * $hpmulti;
$hp = $postsperday / 1;
if ($hp >= 1)
$hp = $maxhp;
$hp = floor ($hp * $maxhp);
$hp = floor ($hp);
$maxhp = floor ($maxhp);
if ($maxhp <= 0)
$zhp = 1;
$zhp = $maxhp;
$hpf = floor (100 * ($hp / $zhp)) - 1;
$maxmp = ($daysreg * $level) / 5;
$mp = $rpglvl / 3;
if ($mp >= $maxmp)
$mp = $maxmp;
$maxmp = floor ($maxmp);
$mp = floor ($mp);
if ($maxmp <= 0)
$zmp = 1;
$zmp = $maxmp;
$mpf = floor (100 * ($mp / $zmp)) - 1;
$pm = $showlevel;
$showlevel = my_number_format($showlevel);
$maxhp = my_number_format($maxhp);
$hp = my_number_format($hp);
$maxmp = my_number_format($maxmp);
$mp = my_number_format($mp);
$post['user_details'] = "{$post['user_details']}<span class=\"smalltext\">Nivel: {$showlevel}</span><br />
<span class=\"smalltext\">Puntos: {$hp}</span>
<table width=\"160\" class=\"rpg1\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<td class=\"rpg2\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s HP\" src=\"images/rpg/bhg.gif\" width=\"{$pm}%\" height=\"9\" /><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s HP\" src=\"images/rpg/bhb.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"9\" /></td>
<span class=\"smalltext\">Siguiente Nivel</span>
<table width=\"160\" class=\"rpg3\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<td class=\"rpg4\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s EXP\" src=\"images/rpg/bxg.gif\" width=\"{$ep}%\" height=\"9\" /><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s EXP\" src=\"images/rpg/bxb.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"9\" /></td>
<span class=\"smalltext\">Actividad: {$mp}% </span>
<table width=\"160\" class=\"rpg5\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<td class=\"rpg6\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s MP\" src=\"images/rpg/bmg.gif\" width=\"{$mp}%\" height=\"9\" /><img alt=\"{$post['username']}'s MP\" src=\"images/rpg/bmb.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"9\" /></td>