Hello friends
After a month of working with it, today we would like to introduce to you a completely new theme - Avenger.
Built on the structure of MyBB, fit all devices, mobile friendly. Specially designed interface flat, bright colors, many colors.
Responive design.
HTML5 + CSS3 + jQuery.
Design flat.
Neat, clean.
Font Awesome icons.
2 Homepage Layout.
Multiple Color Options (Colpick Development, 18 Light Color and 1 Dark Color).
Effect Modal Login (Magnific Popup).
jQuery features like sidebar, announcements, tabbed profiles, sticky ads, full layout and boxed layout, sidebar box with tabbed interface etc.
and more
Albums: http://imgur.com/a/hQ6rt
Price: 30 usd for the theme, and extra 30 usd to remove copyright.
Method of payment: payment via PayPay or Bitcoin
Contact: PM on MyBB.com or email: lavaskins@gmail.com
Thank you
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